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THE WAR WITHIN is a unique fantasy that takes viewers to a world that only God can see; the world of the inner man. Michael Sinclair (Brett Varvel) is a syndicated cartoonist whose dream of a perfect life is upended when tragic events transform his dream into a nightmare. The result is a war that wages within his soul which is personified by six members; Mind, Memory, Emotion, Will, Conscience, and Heart. The ensuing battle for control adversely effects his relationship with his wife Amy (Rebecca Reid) and causes Michael to doubt his faith in God. But in the midst of this spiritual test, Michael discovers that victory is found in surrender. As viewers follow the quest for answers inside of Michael, they may discover their own war within.


"'The War Within' gives insights into the internal battle that rages within every person and how everything changes when we are subject to the Word. A real tearjerker.”  Ray Comfort, Living Waters Ministries / The Way of the Master

"The screenplay by Brett and Gary Varvel is a work of genius. I can safely say that I’ve never seen a movie quite like this. Everyone who had a hand in making this film should be congratulated for helping craft one of the best Christian films ever produced!"  Christian St. John - Christian Review

THE BOARD is a unique short film that depicts the soul as a board of directors. A dilemma is posed and a battle ensues. One-by-one the power brokers of the soul – Mind, Memory, Emotion, Heart, Will, and Conscience – step forward to weigh in. The stakes couldn’t be higher. The outcome has consequences for eternity…

Collaboration Projects

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HGF’s own Brett Varvel plays the Lead in Five & Two Pictures latest feature film, PLAY THE FLUTE. HGF also took on the final edit on the film. In addition HGF edited the trailer for the film.

PLAY THE FLUTE is currently playing in select theaters across the country. To find a screening near you, or to bring a screening to your local theater go to the film’s website by clicking HERE!

House of Grace Films was heavily involved with the Post Production of Treasure Lies and our own Brett Varvel Directed the film.

Treasure Lies is about a hardworking teen who learns a faith lesson through an unexpected windfall. It's a story of greed, jealousy, gratitude, character, and forgiveness. To stay up to date on the film be sure to LIKE the Treasure Lies Facebook Page.

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HGF partnered with Shepherd Community to visualize the impact their ministry has on the lives of children by offering them hope.

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We live in a culture that is so visually driven. Movies and television captivate audiences on a day to day basis, across the globe. Movies can do so much more than tell you a story. They can change the way you think, feel, and even act in life. Every movie not only has a story to tell, but is also conveys a message.

In 2007 Brett Varvel had a vision to partner with the people of Bethesda Baptist Church in producing an evangelistic film. Through God's direction and miraculous work, that vision has grown into House of Grace Films. In 2008 the film "The Board"was produced on the church's campus. The message of the film has spread across America and the world. In 2010 God provided the funds to create House of Grace Films Inc., a non-profit organization. House of Grace Films is dedicated to take the most powerful medium of our age (movies) and display the most powerful story ever told (the gospel of Jesus Christ). Movies are written, filmed, edited, and produced by House of Grace to promote the Gospel in a new way to a culture that is rapidly changing. We strive to use the highest professional quality standards of the industry in producing our films, and in so doing appeal to a broad spectrum of people who need to hear the gospel of Christ.  Above all, we will share the love God evidences through His Son Jesus Christ.

Photo Credit: Andy Janning


The War Within DVD
Sale Price: $14.99 Original Price: $19.99
The Good Shepherd Book
The Board DVD
Sale Price: $9.99 Original Price: $11.99
The War Within / Good Shepherd Combo Pack
Sale Price: $25.00 Original Price: $36.98
TWW/TB Combo Pack
Sale Price: $21.99 Original Price: $31.98




House of Grace Films does not receive or read unsolicited scripts at this point. Thank you for your understanding.


We are currently not accepting any submissions for casting.